Source code for aplpy.core

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

from distutils import version
import os
import operator
from functools import reduce

import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, FancyArrow
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection, LineCollection

import numpy as np

from astropy import log
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.wcs.utils import proj_plane_pixel_scales
from import fits
from astropy.nddata.utils import block_reduce
from astropy.visualization import AsymmetricPercentileInterval, simple_norm
from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import WCSAxes, WCSAxesSubplot
from astropy.coordinates import ICRS

from . import convolve_util
from . import header as header_util
from . import slicer

from .layers import Layers
from .grid import Grid
from .ticks import Ticks
from .tick_labels import TickLabels
from .axis_labels import AxisLabels
from .overlays import Beam, Scalebar
from .regions import Regions
from .colorbar import Colorbar
from .frame import Frame

from .decorators import auto_refresh, fixdocstring

HDU_TYPES = tuple([fits.PrimaryHDU, fits.ImageHDU, fits.CompImageHDU])

def uniformize_1d(*args):
    if len(args) > 1:
        return np.broadcast_arrays(np.atleast_1d(args[0]), *args[1:])
    elif len(args) == 1:
        return np.atleast_1d(args[0])
        raise ValueError("No arguments passed to uniformize_1d")

[docs]class FITSFigure(Layers, Regions): """ Create a FITSFigure instance. This class is a wrapper around the Astropy WCSAxes class and provides the same API as historical versions of APLpy. Parameters ---------- data : see below The FITS file to open. The following data types can be passed: string astropy.wcs.WCS np.ndarray RGB image with AVM meta-data hdu : int, optional By default, the image in the primary HDU is read in. If a different HDU is required, use this argument. figure : ~matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional If specified, a subplot will be added to this existing matplotlib figure() instance, rather than a new figure being created from scratch. subplot : tuple or list, optional If specified, a subplot will be added at this position. If a tuple of three values, the tuple should contain the standard matplotlib subplot parameters, i.e. (ny, nx, subplot). If a list of four values, the list should contain [xmin, ymin, dx, dy] where xmin and ymin are the position of the bottom left corner of the subplot, and dx and dy are the width and height of the subplot respectively. These should all be given in units of the figure width and height. For example, [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8] will almost fill the entire figure, leaving a 10 percent margin on all sides. downsample : int, optional If this option is specified, the image will be downsampled by a factor *downsample* when reading in the data. north : bool, optional Whether to rotate the image so that north is up. By default, this is assumed to be 'north' in the ICRS frame, but you can also pass any astropy :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` to indicate to use the north of that frame. convention : str, optional This is used in cases where a FITS header can be interpreted in multiple ways. For example, for files with a -CAR projection and CRVAL2=0, this can be set to 'wells' or 'calabretta' to choose the appropriate convention. dimensions : tuple or list, optional The index of the axes to use if the data has more than three dimensions. slices : tuple or list, optional If a FITS file with more than two dimensions is specified, then these are the slices to extract. If all extra dimensions only have size 1, then this is not required. auto_refresh : bool, optional Whether to refresh the figure automatically every time a plotting method is called. This can also be set using the set_auto_refresh method. This defaults to `True` if and only if APLpy is being used from IPython and the Matplotlib backend is interactive. kwargs Any additional arguments are passed on to matplotlib's Figure() class. For example, to set the figure size, use the figsize=(xsize, ysize) argument (where xsize and ysize are in inches). For more information on these additional arguments, see the *Optional keyword arguments* section in the documentation for :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. """ @auto_refresh def __init__(self, data, hdu=0, figure=None, subplot=(1, 1, 1), downsample=False, north=False, convention=None, dimensions=[0, 1], slices=[], auto_refresh=None, **kwargs): self._wcsaxes_slices = ('x', 'y') if 'figsize' not in kwargs: kwargs['figsize'] = (10, 9) # Set the grid type if len(slices) > 0: self.grid_type = 'contours' else: self.grid_type = 'lines' if (isinstance(data, str) and data.split('.')[-1].lower() in ['png', 'jpg', 'tif']): try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: try: import Image except ImportError: raise ImportError("The Python Imaging Library (PIL) is " "required to read in RGB images") try: import pyavm except ImportError: raise ImportError("PyAVM is required to read in AVM " "meta-data from RGB images") if version.LooseVersion(pyavm.__version__) < version.LooseVersion('0.9.1'): raise ImportError("PyAVM installation is not recent enough " "(version 0.9.1 or later is required).") from pyavm import AVM # Remember image filename self._rgb_image = data # Find image size nx, ny = # Now convert AVM information to WCS data = AVM.from_image(data).to_wcs() # Need to scale CDELT values sometimes the AVM meta-data is only # really valid for the full-resolution image data.wcs.cdelt = [data.wcs.cdelt[0] * nx / float(nx), data.wcs.cdelt[1] * ny / float(ny)] data.wcs.crpix = [data.wcs.crpix[0] / nx * float(nx), data.wcs.crpix[1] / ny * float(ny)] # Update the NAXIS values with the true dimensions of the RGB image data.nx = nx data.ny = ny data.pixel_shape = (nx, ny) if isinstance(data, WCS): wcs = data if wcs.naxis != 2: raise ValueError("FITSFigure initialization via WCS objects " "can only be done with 2-dimensional WCS " "objects") if wcs.pixel_shape is None: raise ValueError("The WCS object does not contain any size " "information") header = wcs.to_header() header['NAXIS1'], header['NAXIS2'] = wcs.pixel_shape nx = header['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[0] + 1)] ny = header['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[1] + 1)] self._data = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype=float) self._header = header self._wcs = WCS(header, relax=True) self._wcs.nx = nx self._wcs.ny = ny if downsample: log.warning("downsample argument is ignored if data " "passed is a WCS object") downsample = False if north: log.warning("north argument is ignored if data " "passed is a WCS object") north = False else: self._data, self._header, self._wcs, self._wcsaxes_slices = \ self._get_hdu(data, hdu, north, convention=convention, dimensions=dimensions, slices=slices) self._wcs.nx = self._header['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[0] + 1)] self._wcs.ny = self._header['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[1] + 1)] # Downsample if requested if downsample: nx_new = self._wcs.nx - np.mod(self._wcs.nx, downsample) ny_new = self._wcs.ny - np.mod(self._wcs.ny, downsample) self._data = self._data[0:ny_new, 0:nx_new] self._data = block_reduce(self._data, downsample, func=np.mean) self._wcs.nx, self._wcs.ny = nx_new, ny_new # Open the figure if figure: self._figure = figure else: self._figure = plt.figure(**kwargs) # Set whether to automatically refresh the display self.set_auto_refresh(auto_refresh) # Initialize axis instance if type(subplot) == list and len(subplot) == 4: = WCSAxes(self._figure, subplot, wcs=self._wcs, slices=self._wcsaxes_slices, adjustable='datalim') self._figure.add_axes( elif type(subplot) == tuple and len(subplot) == 3: = WCSAxesSubplot(self._figure, *subplot, wcs=self._wcs, slices=self._wcsaxes_slices) self._figure.add_subplot( else: raise ValueError("subplot= should be either a tuple of three " "values, or a list of four values") # Turn off autoscaling # Make sure axes are above everything else # Set view to whole FITS file self._initialize_view() # Set the coordinates for x and y axis self.x = dimensions[0] self.y = dimensions[1] # Initialize tick, label, and frame convenience wrappers (these dispatch # calls to WCSAxes) self.ticks = Ticks(self) self.axis_labels = AxisLabels(self) self.tick_labels = TickLabels(self) self.frame = Frame(self) # Display minor ticks[self.x].display_minor_ticks(True)[self.y].display_minor_ticks(True) # Initialize layers list self._initialize_layers() # Set image holder to be empty self.image = None # Set default theme self.set_theme(theme='pretty') def _get_hdu(self, data, hdu, north, convention=None, dimensions=[0, 1], slices=[]): if isinstance(data, str): filename = data # Check file exists if not os.path.exists(filename): raise IOError("File not found: " + filename) # Read in FITS file try: hdulist = except Exception: raise IOError("An error occurred while reading the FITS file") # Check whether the HDU specified contains any data, otherwise # cycle through all HDUs to find one that contains valid image data if hdulist[hdu].data is None: found = False for alt_hdu in range(len(hdulist)): if isinstance(hdulist[alt_hdu], HDU_TYPES): if hdulist[alt_hdu].data is not None: log.warning("hdu=%i does not contain any data, " "using hdu=%i instead" % (hdu, alt_hdu)) hdu = hdulist[alt_hdu] found = True break if not found: raise Exception("FITS file does not contain any image data") else: hdu = hdulist[hdu] elif type(data) == np.ndarray: hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data) elif isinstance(data, HDU_TYPES): hdu = data elif isinstance(data, fits.HDUList): hdu = data[hdu] else: raise Exception("data argument should either be a filename, an HDU object from, a WCS object from astropy.wcs, or a Numpy array.") # Check that we have at least 2-dimensional data if hdu.header['NAXIS'] < 2: raise ValueError("Data should have at least two dimensions") # Check dimensions= argument if type(dimensions) not in [list, tuple]: raise ValueError('dimensions= should be a list or a tuple') if len(set(dimensions)) != 2 or len(dimensions) != 2: raise ValueError("dimensions= should be a tuple of two different values") if dimensions[0] < 0 or dimensions[0] > hdu.header['NAXIS'] - 1: raise ValueError('values of dimensions= should be between %i and %i' % (0, hdu.header['NAXIS'] - 1)) if dimensions[1] < 0 or dimensions[1] > hdu.header['NAXIS'] - 1: raise ValueError('values of dimensions= should be between %i and %i' % (0, hdu.header['NAXIS'] - 1)) # Reproject to face north if requested if north: # Find rotated WCS frame = ICRS() if north is True else north from reproject.mosaicking import find_optimal_celestial_wcs wcs, shape = find_optimal_celestial_wcs([hdu], frame=frame) from reproject import reproject_interp data, _ = reproject_interp(hdu, wcs, shape_out=shape) header = wcs.to_header() header['NAXIS1'] = shape[1] header['NAXIS2'] = shape[0] else: # Now copy the data and header to new objects, since in # the two attributes are linked, which can lead to confusing behavior. # We just need to copy the header to avoid memory issues - as long as # one item is copied, the two variables are decoupled. data = header = hdu.header.copy() del hdu # If slices wasn't specified, check if we can guess shape = data.shape if len(shape) > 2: n_total = reduce(operator.mul, shape) n_image = (shape[len(shape) - 1 - dimensions[0]] * shape[len(shape) - 1 - dimensions[1]]) if n_total == n_image: slices = [0 for i in range(1, len(shape) - 1)]"Setting slices=%s" % str(slices)) # Extract slices data, wcsaxes_slices = slicer.slice_hypercube(data, header, dimensions=dimensions, slices=slices) # Check header header = header_util.check(header, convention=convention, dimensions=dimensions) # Parse WCS info wcs = WCS(header, relax=True) return data, header, wcs, wcsaxes_slices
[docs] @auto_refresh def set_title(self, title, **kwargs): """ Set the figure title """, **kwargs)
[docs] @auto_refresh def set_xaxis_coord_type(self, coord_type): """ Set the type of x coordinate. Options are: * ``scalar``: treat the values are normal decimal scalar values * ``longitude``: treat the values as a longitude in the 0 to 360 range * ``latitude``: treat the values as a latitude in the -90 to 90 range """[self.x].set_coord_type(coord_type)
[docs] @auto_refresh def set_yaxis_coord_type(self, coord_type): """ Set the type of y coordinate. Options are: * ``scalar``: treat the values are normal decimal scalar values * ``longitude``: treat the values as a longitude in the 0 to 360 range * ``latitude``: treat the values as a latitude in the -90 to 90 range """[self.y].set_coord_type(coord_type)
[docs] @auto_refresh def set_system_latex(self, usetex): """ Set whether to use a real LaTeX installation or the built-in matplotlib LaTeX. Parameters ---------- usetex : str Whether to use a real LaTex installation (True) or the built-in matplotlib LaTeX (False). Note that if the former is chosen, an installation of LaTex is required. """ plt.rc('text', usetex=usetex)
[docs] @auto_refresh def recenter(self, x, y, radius=None, width=None, height=None): """ Center the image on a given position and with a given radius. Either the radius or width/height arguments should be specified. The units of the radius or width/height should be the same as the world coordinates in the WCS. For images of the sky, this is often (but not always) degrees. Parameters ---------- x, y : float Coordinates to center on radius : float, optional Radius of the region to view in degrees. This produces a square plot. width : float, optional Width of the region to view. This should be given in conjunction with the height argument. height : float, optional Height of the region to view. This should be given in conjunction with the width argument. """ xpix, ypix = self.world2pixel(x, y) pix_scale = proj_plane_pixel_scales(self._wcs) sx, sy = pix_scale[self.x], pix_scale[self.y] if radius: dx_pix = radius / sx dy_pix = radius / sy elif width and height: dx_pix = width / sx * 0.5 dy_pix = height / sy * 0.5 else: raise Exception("Need to specify either radius= or width= and height= arguments") if (xpix + dx_pix < -0.5 or xpix - dx_pix > self._wcs.nx - 0.5 or ypix + dy_pix < -0.5 or ypix - dy_pix > self._wcs.ny): raise Exception("Zoom region falls outside the image") - dx_pix, xpix + dx_pix) - dy_pix, ypix + dy_pix)
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_grayscale(self, vmin=None, vmid=None, vmax=None, pmin=0.25, pmax=99.75, stretch='linear', exponent=2, invert='default', smooth=None, kernel='gauss', aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest'): """ Show a grayscale image of the FITS file. Parameters ---------- vmin : None or float, optional Minimum pixel value to use for the grayscale. If set to None, the minimum pixel value is determined using pmin (default). vmax : None or float, optional Maximum pixel value to use for the grayscale. If set to None, the maximum pixel value is determined using pmax (default). pmin : float, optional Percentile value used to determine the minimum pixel value to use for the grayscale if vmin is set to None. The default value is 0.25%. pmax : float, optional Percentile value used to determine the maximum pixel value to use for the grayscale if vmax is set to None. The default value is 99.75%. stretch : { 'linear', 'log', 'sqrt', 'arcsinh', 'power' }, optional The stretch function to use vmid : None or float, optional Baseline value used for the log and arcsinh stretches. If set to None, this is set to zero for log stretches and to vmin - (vmax - vmin) / 30. for arcsinh stretches exponent : float, optional If stretch is set to 'power', this is the exponent to use invert : str, optional Whether to invert the grayscale or not. The default is False, unless set_theme is used, in which case the default depends on the theme. smooth : int or tuple, optional Default smoothing scale is 3 pixels across. User can define whether they want an NxN kernel (integer), or NxM kernel (tuple). This argument corresponds to the 'gauss' and 'box' smoothing kernels. kernel : { 'gauss', 'box', numpy.array }, optional Default kernel used for smoothing is 'gauss'. The user can specify if they would prefer 'gauss', 'box', or a custom kernel. All kernels are normalized to ensure flux retention. aspect : { 'auto', 'equal' }, optional Whether to change the aspect ratio of the image to match that of the axes ('auto') or to change the aspect ratio of the axes to match that of the data ('equal'; default) interpolation : str, optional The type of interpolation to use for the image. The default is 'nearest'. Other options include 'none' (no interpolation, meaning that if exported to a postscript file, the grayscale will be output at native resolution irrespective of the dpi setting), 'bilinear', 'bicubic', and many more (see the matplotlib documentation for imshow). """ if invert == 'default': invert = self._get_invert_default() if invert: cmap = 'gist_yarg' else: cmap = 'gray' self.show_colorscale(vmin=vmin, vmid=vmid, vmax=vmax, pmin=pmin, pmax=pmax, stretch=stretch, exponent=exponent, cmap=cmap, smooth=smooth, kernel=kernel, aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation)
[docs] @auto_refresh def hide_grayscale(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hide_colorscale(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_colorscale(self, vmin=None, vmid=None, vmax=None, pmin=0.25, pmax=99.75, stretch='linear', exponent=2, cmap='default', smooth=None, kernel='gauss', aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest'): """ Show a colorscale image of the FITS file. Parameters ---------- vmin : None or float, optional Minimum pixel value to use for the colorscale. If set to None, the minimum pixel value is determined using pmin (default). vmax : None or float, optional Maximum pixel value to use for the colorscale. If set to None, the maximum pixel value is determined using pmax (default). pmin : float, optional Percentile value used to determine the minimum pixel value to use for the colorscale if vmin is set to None. The default value is 0.25%. pmax : float, optional Percentile value used to determine the maximum pixel value to use for the colorscale if vmax is set to None. The default value is 99.75%. stretch : { 'linear', 'log', 'sqrt', 'arcsinh', 'power' }, optional The stretch function to use vmid : None or float, optional Baseline value used for the log and arcsinh stretches. If set to None, this is set to zero for log stretches and to vmin - (vmax - vmin) / 30. for arcsinh stretches exponent : float, optional If stretch is set to 'power', this is the exponent to use cmap : str, optional The name of the colormap to use smooth : int or tuple, optional Default smoothing scale is 3 pixels across. User can define whether they want an NxN kernel (integer), or NxM kernel (tuple). This argument corresponds to the 'gauss' and 'box' smoothing kernels. kernel : { 'gauss', 'box', numpy.array }, optional Default kernel used for smoothing is 'gauss'. The user can specify if they would prefer 'gauss', 'box', or a custom kernel. All kernels are normalized to ensure flux retention. aspect : { 'auto', 'equal' }, optional Whether to change the aspect ratio of the image to match that of the axes ('auto') or to change the aspect ratio of the axes to match that of the data ('equal'; default) interpolation : str, optional The type of interpolation to use for the image. The default is 'nearest'. Other options include 'none' (no interpolation, meaning that if exported to a postscript file, the colorscale will be output at native resolution irrespective of the dpi setting), 'bilinear', 'bicubic', and many more (see the matplotlib documentation for imshow). """ if cmap == 'default': cmap = self._get_colormap_default() min_auto = vmin is None max_auto = vmax is None # The set of available functions cmap = if min_auto or max_auto: interval = AsymmetricPercentileInterval(pmin, pmax, n_samples=10000) try: vmin_auto, vmax_auto = interval.get_limits(self._data) except (IndexError, TypeError): # no valid values vmin_auto = vmax_auto = 0 if min_auto: vmin = vmin_auto if max_auto: vmax = vmax_auto # Prepare normalizer object if stretch == 'arcsinh': stretch = 'asinh' normalizer = simple_norm(self._data, stretch=stretch, power=exponent, asinh_a=vmid, min_cut=vmin, max_cut=vmax, clip=False) # Adjust vmin/vmax if auto if min_auto: if stretch == 'linear': vmin = -0.1 * (vmax - vmin) + vmin"Auto-setting vmin to %10.3e" % vmin) if max_auto: if stretch == 'linear': vmax = 0.1 * (vmax - vmin) + vmax"Auto-setting vmax to %10.3e" % vmax) # Update normalizer object normalizer.vmin = vmin normalizer.vmax = vmax if self.image: self.image.set_visible(True) self.image.set_norm(normalizer) self.image.set_cmap(cmap=cmap) self.image.origin = 'lower' self.image.set_interpolation(interpolation) self.image.set_data(convolve_util.convolve(self._data, smooth=smooth, kernel=kernel)) else: extent = -0.5, self._wcs.nx - 0.5, -0.5, self._wcs.ny - 0.5 convolved_data = convolve_util.convolve(self._data, smooth=smooth, kernel=kernel) self.image =, cmap=cmap, interpolation=interpolation, origin='lower', norm=normalizer, aspect=aspect, extent=extent) xmin, xmax = if xmin == 0.0:, xmax) ymin, ymax = if ymin == 0.0:, ymax) if hasattr(self, 'colorbar'): self.colorbar.update()
[docs] @auto_refresh def hide_colorscale(self): self.image.set_visible(False)
[docs] @auto_refresh def set_nan_color(self, color): """ Set the color for NaN pixels. Parameters ---------- color : str This can be any valid matplotlib color """ from copy import deepcopy cm = deepcopy(self.image.get_cmap()) cm.set_bad(color) self.image.set_cmap(cm)
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_rgb(self, filename=None, interpolation='nearest', vertical_flip=False, horizontal_flip=False, flip=False): """ Show a 3-color image instead of the FITS file data. Parameters ---------- filename, optional The 3-color image should have exactly the same dimensions as the FITS file, and will be shown with exactly the same projection. If FITSFigure was initialized with an AVM-tagged RGB image, the filename is not needed here. vertical_flip : str, optional Whether to vertically flip the RGB image horizontal_flip : str, optional Whether to horizontally flip the RGB image """ try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: try: import Image except ImportError: raise ImportError("The Python Imaging Library (PIL) is required to read in RGB images") if flip: log.warning("Note that show_rgb should now correctly flip RGB images, so the flip= argument is now deprecated. If you still need to flip an image vertically or horizontally, you can use the vertical_flip= and horizontal_flip arguments instead.") if filename is None: if hasattr(self, '_rgb_image'): image = else: raise Exception("Need to specify the filename of an RGB image") else: image = if vertical_flip: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if horizontal_flip: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) self.image =, interpolation=interpolation, origin='lower')
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_contour(self, data=None, hdu=0, layer=None, levels=5, filled=False, cmap=None, colors=None, returnlevels=False, convention=None, dimensions=[0, 1], slices=[], smooth=None, kernel='gauss', overlap=False, **kwargs): """ Overlay contours on the current plot. Parameters ---------- data : see below The FITS file to plot contours for. The following data types can be passed: string astropy.wcs.WCS np.ndarray hdu : int, optional By default, the image in the primary HDU is read in. If a different HDU is required, use this argument. layer : str, optional The name of the contour layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of contour_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. levels : int or list, optional This can either be the number of contour levels to compute (if an integer is provided) or the actual list of contours to show (if a list of floats is provided) filled : str, optional Whether to show filled or line contours cmap : str, optional The colormap to use for the contours colors : str or tuple, optional If a single string is provided, all contour levels will be shown in this color. If a tuple of strings is provided, each contour will be colored according to the corresponding tuple element. returnlevels : str, optional Whether to return the list of contours to the caller. convention : str, optional This is used in cases where a FITS header can be interpreted in multiple ways. For example, for files with a -CAR projection and CRVAL2=0, this can be set to 'wells' or 'calabretta' to choose the appropriate convention. dimensions : tuple or list, optional The index of the axes to use if the data has more than three dimensions. slices : tuple or list, optional If a FITS file with more than two dimensions is specified, then these are the slices to extract. If all extra dimensions only have size 1, then this is not required. smooth : int or tuple, optional Default smoothing scale is 3 pixels across. User can define whether they want an NxN kernel (integer), or NxM kernel (tuple). This argument corresponds to the 'gauss' and 'box' smoothing kernels. kernel : { 'gauss' , 'box' , numpy.array }, optional Default kernel used for smoothing is 'gauss'. The user can specify if they would prefer 'gauss', 'box', or a custom kernel. All kernels are normalized to ensure flux retention. overlap str, optional Whether to include only contours that overlap with the image area. This significantly speeds up the drawing of contours and reduces file size when using a file for the contours covering a much larger area than the image. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as alpha, linewidths, or linestyles) will be passed on directly to Matplotlib's :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` or :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf` methods. For more information on these additional arguments, see the *Optional keyword arguments* sections in the documentation for those methods. """ if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) if cmap: cmap = elif not colors: cmap ='viridis') if data is not None: data_contour, header_contour, wcs_contour, wcsaxes_slices = \ self._get_hdu(data, hdu, False, convention=convention, dimensions=dimensions, slices=slices) else: data_contour = self._data header_contour = self._header wcs_contour = self._wcs wcs_contour.nx = header_contour['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[0] + 1)] wcs_contour.ny = header_contour['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[1] + 1)] image_contour = convolve_util.convolve(data_contour, smooth=smooth, kernel=kernel) if type(levels) == int: interval = AsymmetricPercentileInterval(0.25, 99.75, n_samples=10000) try: vmin_auto, vmax_auto = interval.get_limits(image_contour) except IndexError: # no valid values vmin_auto = vmax_auto = 0 levels = np.linspace(vmin_auto, vmax_auto, levels) if wcs_contour.wcs.ctype[self.x] == 'PIXEL' or wcs_contour.wcs.ctype[self.y] == 'PIXEL': frame = 'pixel' else: frame = wcs_contour if filled: c =, levels,, cmap=cmap, colors=colors, **kwargs) else: c =, levels,, cmap=cmap, colors=colors, **kwargs) if layer: contour_set_name = layer else: self._contour_counter += 1 contour_set_name = 'contour_set_' + str(self._contour_counter) self._layers[contour_set_name] = c if returnlevels: return levels
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_vectors(self, pdata, adata, phdu=0, ahdu=0, step=1, scale=1, rotate=0, cutoff=0, units='degrees', layer=None, convention=None, dimensions=[0, 1], slices=[], **kwargs): """ Overlay vectors on the current plot. Parameters ---------- pdata : see below The FITS file specifying the magnitude of vectors. The following data types can be passed: string astropy.wcs.WCS np.ndarray adata : see below The FITS file specifying the angle of vectors. The following data types can be passed: string astropy.wcs.WCS np.ndarray phdu : int, optional By default, the image in the primary HDU is read in. If a different HDU is required for pdata, use this argument. ahdu : int, optional By default, the image in the primary HDU is read in. If a different HDU is required for adata, use this argument. step : int, optional Derive a vector only from every 'step' pixels. You will normally want this to be >1 to get sensible vector spacing. scale : int, optional The length, in pixels, of a vector with magnitude 1 in the image specified by pdata. If pdata specifies fractional polarization, make this comparable to step. rotate : float, optional An angle to rotate by, in units the same as those of the angle map. cutoff : float, optional The value of magnitude below which no vectors should be plotted. The default value, zero, excludes negative-length and NaN-masked data. units : str, optional Units to assume for the angle map. Valid values are 'degrees' (the default) or 'radians' (or anything else), which will not apply a scaling factor of pi/180 to the angle data. layer : str, optional The name of the vector layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of vector_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. convention : str, optional This is used in cases where a FITS header can be interpreted in multiple ways. For example, for files with a -CAR projection and CRVAL2=0, this can be set to 'wells' or 'calabretta' to choose the appropriate convention. dimensions : tuple or list, optional The index of the axes to use if the data has more than three dimensions. slices : tuple or list, optional If a FITS file with more than two dimensions is specified, then these are the slices to extract. If all extra dimensions only have size 1, then this is not required. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as alpha, linewidths, or color) which are passed to Matplotlib's :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` class, and can be used to control the appearance of the lines. For more information on these additional arguments, see the *Optional keyword arguments* sections in the documentation for those methods. """ # over-ride default color (none) that will otherwise be set by # show_lines() if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('color', 'black') if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) data_p, header_p, wcs_p, slices_p = \ self._get_hdu(pdata, phdu, False, convention=convention, dimensions=dimensions, slices=slices) data_a, header_a, wcs_a, slices_a = \ self._get_hdu(adata, ahdu, False, convention=convention, dimensions=dimensions, slices=slices) # TODO: use slices correctly wcs_p.nx = header_p['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[0] + 1)] wcs_p.ny = header_p['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[1] + 1)] wcs_a.nx = header_a['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[0] + 1)] wcs_a.ny = header_a['NAXIS%i' % (dimensions[1] + 1)] if (wcs_p.nx != wcs_a.nx or wcs_p.ny != wcs_a.ny): raise Exception("Angle and magnitude images must be same size") angle = data_a + rotate if units == 'degrees': angle = np.radians(angle) linelist = [] for y in range(0, wcs_p.ny, step): for x in range(0, wcs_p.nx, step): if data_p[y, x] > cutoff and np.isfinite(angle[y, x]): r = data_p[y, x] * 0.5 * scale a = angle[y, x] x1 = x + r * np.sin(a) y1 = y - r * np.cos(a) x2 = x - r * np.sin(a) y2 = y + r * np.cos(a) x_world, y_world = self.pixel2world([x1, x2], [y1, y2], wcs=wcs_p) line = np.array([x_world, y_world]) linelist.append(line) if layer: vector_set_name = layer else: self._vector_counter += 1 vector_set_name = 'vector_set_' + str(self._vector_counter) # Use show_lines to finish the process off self.show_lines(linelist, layer=vector_set_name, **kwargs)
# This method plots markers. The input should be an Nx2 array with WCS # coordinates in degree format.
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_markers(self, xw, yw, layer=False, coords_frame='world', **kwargs): """ Overlay markers on the current plot. Parameters ---------- xw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The x positions of the markers (in world coordinates) yw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The y positions of the markers (in world coordinates) layer : str, optional The name of the scatter layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of marker_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. coords_frame : 'pixel' or 'world' The reference frame in which the coordinates are defined. This is used to interpret the values of ``xw`` and ``yw``. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as marker, facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, or linewidth) will be passed on directly to Matplotlib's :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` method (in particular, have a look at the *Optional keyword arguments* in the documentation for that method). """ if 'c' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'red') kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none') kwargs.setdefault('s', 30) if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) s =, yw,, **kwargs) if layer: marker_set_name = layer else: self._scatter_counter += 1 marker_set_name = 'marker_set_' + str(self._scatter_counter) self._layers[marker_set_name] = s
# Show circles. Different from markers as this method allows more # definitions for the circles.
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_circles(self, xw, yw, radius, layer=False, coords_frame='world', zorder=None, **kwargs): """ Overlay circles on the current plot. Parameters ---------- xw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The x positions of the centers of the circles (in world coordinates) yw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The y positions of the centers of the circles (in world coordinates) radius : int or float or list or `~numpy.ndarray` The radii of the circles (in world coordinates) layer : str, optional The name of the circle layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of circle_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. coords_frame : 'pixel' or 'world' The reference frame in which the coordinates are defined. This is used to interpret the values of ``xw`` and ``yw``. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, or linewidth) are passed to Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection` class, and can be used to control the appearance of the circles. """ xw, yw, radius = uniformize_1d(xw, yw, radius) if 'facecolor' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none') if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) if coords_frame not in ['pixel', 'world']: raise ValueError("coords_frame should be set to 'pixel' or 'world'") # While we could plot the shape using the get_transform('world') mode # from WCSAxes, the issue is that the rotation angle is also measured in # world coordinates so will not be what the user is expecting. So we allow the user to specify the reference frame for the coordinates and for the rotation. if coords_frame == 'pixel': x, y = xw, yw r = radius else: x, y = self.world2pixel(xw, yw) pix_scale = proj_plane_pixel_scales(self._wcs) sx, sy = pix_scale[self.x], pix_scale[self.y] r = radius / np.sqrt(sx * sy) patches = [] for i in range(len(xw)): patches.append(Circle((x[i], y[i]), radius=r[i])) # Due to bugs in matplotlib, we need to pass the patch properties # directly to the PatchCollection rather than use match_original. p = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if zorder is not None: p.zorder = zorder c = if layer: circle_set_name = layer else: self._circle_counter += 1 circle_set_name = 'circle_set_' + str(self._circle_counter) self._layers[circle_set_name] = c
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_ellipses(self, xw, yw, width, height, angle=0, layer=False, zorder=None, coords_frame='world', **kwargs): """ Overlay ellipses on the current plot. Parameters ---------- xw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The x positions of the centers of the ellipses (in world coordinates) yw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The y positions of the centers of the ellipses (in world coordinates) width : int or float or list or `~numpy.ndarray` The width of the ellipse (in world coordinates) height : int or float or list or `~numpy.ndarray` The height of the ellipse (in world coordinates) angle : int or float or list or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise). Default angle is 0.0. layer : str, optional The name of the ellipse layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of ellipse_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. coords_frame : 'pixel' or 'world' The reference frame in which the coordinates are defined. This is used to interpret the values of ``xw``, ``yw``, ``width``, and ``height``. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, or linewidth) are passed to Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection` class, and can be used to control the appearance of the ellipses. """ xw, yw, width, height, angle = uniformize_1d(xw, yw, width, height, angle) if 'facecolor' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none') if 'edgecolor' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', 'black') if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) if coords_frame not in ['pixel', 'world']: raise ValueError("coords_frame should be set to 'pixel' or 'world'") # While we could plot the shape using the get_transform('world') mode # from WCSAxes, the issue is that the rotation angle is also measured in # world coordinates so will not be what the user is expecting. So we allow the user to specify the reference frame for the coordinates and for the rotation. if coords_frame == 'pixel': x, y = xw, yw w = width h = height a = angle transform = else: x, y = self.world2pixel(xw, yw) pix_scale = proj_plane_pixel_scales(self._wcs) sx, sy = pix_scale[self.x], pix_scale[self.y] w = width / sx h = height / sy a = angle transform = patches = [] for i in range(len(x)): patches.append(Ellipse((x[i], y[i]), width=w[i], height=h[i], angle=a[i])) # Due to bugs in matplotlib, we need to pass the patch properties # directly to the PatchCollection rather than use match_original. p = PatchCollection(patches, transform=transform, **kwargs) if zorder is not None: p.zorder = zorder c = if layer: ellipse_set_name = layer else: self._ellipse_counter += 1 ellipse_set_name = 'ellipse_set_' + str(self._ellipse_counter) self._layers[ellipse_set_name] = c
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_rectangles(self, xw, yw, width, height, angle=0, layer=False, zorder=None, coords_frame='world', **kwargs): """ Overlay rectangles on the current plot. Parameters ---------- xw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The x positions of the centers of the rectangles (in world coordinates) yw : list or `~numpy.ndarray` The y positions of the centers of the rectangles (in world coordinates) width : int or float or list or `~numpy.ndarray` The width of the rectangle (in world coordinates) height : int or float or list or `~numpy.ndarray` The height of the rectangle (in world coordinates) angle : int or float or list or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise). Default angle is 0.0. layer : str, optional The name of the rectangle layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of rectangle_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. coords_frame : 'pixel' or 'world' The reference frame in which the coordinates are defined. This is used to interpret the values of ``xw``, ``yw``, ``width``, and ``height``. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, or linewidth) are passed to Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection` class, and can be used to control the appearance of the rectangles. """ xw, yw, width, height, angle = uniformize_1d(xw, yw, width, height, angle) if 'facecolor' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none') if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) if coords_frame not in ['pixel', 'world']: raise ValueError("coords_frame should be set to 'pixel' or 'world'") # While we could plot the shape using the get_transform('world') mode # from WCSAxes, the issue is that the rotation angle is also measured in # world coordinates so will not be what the user is expecting. So we # allow the user to specify the reference frame for the coordinates and # for the rotation. if coords_frame == 'pixel': x, y = xw, yw w = width h = height a = angle transform = else: x, y = self.world2pixel(xw, yw) pix_scale = proj_plane_pixel_scales(self._wcs) sx, sy = pix_scale[self.x], pix_scale[self.y] w = width / sx h = height / sy a = angle transform = x = x - w / 2. y = y - h / 2. patches = [] for i in range(len(x)): patches.append(Rectangle((x[i], y[i]), width=w[i], height=h[i], angle=a[i])) # Due to bugs in matplotlib, we need to pass the patch properties # directly to the PatchCollection rather than use match_original. p = PatchCollection(patches, transform=transform, **kwargs) if zorder is not None: p.zorder = zorder c = if layer: rectangle_set_name = layer else: self._rectangle_counter += 1 rectangle_set_name = 'rectangle_set_' + str(self._rectangle_counter) self._layers[rectangle_set_name] = c
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_lines(self, line_list, layer=False, zorder=None, **kwargs): """ Overlay lines on the current plot. Parameters ---------- line_list : list A list of one or more 2xN numpy arrays which contain the [x, y] positions of the vertices in world coordinates. layer : str, optional The name of the line(s) layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of line_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as color, offsets, linestyle, or linewidth) are passed to Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` class, and can be used to control the appearance of the lines. """ if 'color' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('color', 'none') if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) lines = [] for line in line_list: xw, yw = line[0, :], line[1, :] lines.append(np.column_stack((xw, yw))) l = LineCollection(lines,'world'), **kwargs) if zorder is not None: l.zorder = zorder c = if layer: line_set_name = layer else: self._linelist_counter += 1 line_set_name = 'line_set_' + str(self._linelist_counter) self._layers[line_set_name] = c
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_arrows(self, x, y, dx, dy, width='auto', head_width='auto', head_length='auto', length_includes_head=True, layer=False, zorder=None, **kwargs): """ Overlay arrows on the current plot. Parameters ---------- x, y, dx, dy : float or list or `~numpy.ndarray` Origin and displacement of the arrows in world coordinates. These can either be scalars to plot a single arrow, or lists or arrays to plot multiple arrows. width : float, optional The width of the arrow body, in pixels (default: 2% of the arrow length) head_width : float, optional The width of the arrow head, in pixels (default: 5% of the arrow length) head_length : float, optional The length of the arrow head, in pixels (default: 5% of the arrow length) length_includes_head : bool, optional Whether the head includes the length layer : str, optional The name of the arrow(s) layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of line_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, or linewidth) are passed to Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection` class, and can be used to control the appearance of the arrows. """ x, y, dx, dy = uniformize_1d(x, y, dx, dy) if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) arrows = [] # Here we don't make use of WCSAxes.get_transform('world') because # otherwise the arrow heads will be distored. Instead, we work in pixel # coordinates. for i in range(len(x)): xp1, yp1 = self.world2pixel(x[i], y[i]) xp2, yp2 = self.world2pixel(x[i] + dx[i], y[i] + dy[i]) if width == 'auto': width = 0.02 * np.sqrt((xp2 - xp1) ** 2 + (yp2 - yp1) ** 2) if head_width == 'auto': head_width = 0.1 * np.sqrt((xp2 - xp1) ** 2 + (yp2 - yp1) ** 2) if head_length == 'auto': head_length = 0.1 * np.sqrt((xp2 - xp1) ** 2 + (yp2 - yp1) ** 2) arrows.append(FancyArrow(xp1, yp1, xp2 - xp1, yp2 - yp1, width=width, head_width=head_width, head_length=head_length, length_includes_head=length_includes_head) ) # Due to bugs in matplotlib, we need to pass the patch properties # directly to the PatchCollection rather than use match_original. p = PatchCollection(arrows, **kwargs) if zorder is not None: p.zorder = zorder c = if layer: line_set_name = layer else: self._linelist_counter += 1 line_set_name = 'arrow_set_' + str(self._linelist_counter) self._layers[line_set_name] = c
[docs] @auto_refresh def show_polygons(self, polygon_list, layer=False, zorder=None, **kwargs): """ Overlay polygons on the current plot. Parameters ---------- polygon_list : list or tuple A list of one or more 2xN or Nx2 Numpy arrays which contain the [x, y] positions of the vertices in world coordinates. Note that N should be greater than 2. layer : str, optional The name of the circle layer. This is useful for giving custom names to layers (instead of circle_set_n) and for replacing existing layers. kwargs Additional keyword arguments (such as facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, or linewidth) are passed to Matplotlib :class:`~matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection` class, and can be used to control the appearance of the polygons. """ if 'facecolor' not in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', 'none') if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) if type(polygon_list) not in [list, tuple]: raise Exception("polygon_list should be a list or tuple of Numpy arrays") pix_polygon_list = [] for polygon in polygon_list: if type(polygon) is not np.ndarray: raise Exception("Polygon should be given as a Numpy array") if polygon.shape[0] == 2 and polygon.shape[1] > 2: xw = polygon[0, :] yw = polygon[1, :] elif polygon.shape[0] > 2 and polygon.shape[1] == 2: xw = polygon[:, 0] yw = polygon[:, 1] else: raise Exception("Polygon should have dimensions 2xN or Nx2 with N>2") pix_polygon_list.append(np.column_stack((xw, yw))) patches = [] for i in range(len(pix_polygon_list)): patches.append(Polygon(pix_polygon_list[i], **kwargs)) # Due to bugs in matplotlib, we need to pass the patch properties # directly to the PatchCollection rather than use match_original. p = PatchCollection(patches,'world'), **kwargs) if zorder is not None: p.zorder = zorder c = if layer: poly_set_name = layer else: self._poly_counter += 1 poly_set_name = 'poly_set_' + str(self._poly_counter) self._layers[poly_set_name] = c
[docs] @auto_refresh @fixdocstring def add_label(self, x, y, text, relative=False, color='black', family=None, style=None, variant=None, stretch=None, weight=None, size=None, fontproperties=None, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', layer=None, **kwargs): """ Add a text label. Parameters ---------- x, y : float Coordinates of the text label text : str The label relative : str, optional Whether the coordinates are to be interpreted as world coordinates (e.g. RA/Dec or longitude/latitude), or coordinates relative to the axes (where 0.0 is left or bottom and 1.0 is right or top). common: color, family, style, variant, stretch, weight, size, fontproperties, horizontalalignment, verticalalignment """ if layer: self.remove_layer(layer, raise_exception=False) # Can't pass fontproperties=None to text. Only pass it if it is not None. if fontproperties: kwargs['fontproperties'] = fontproperties if not np.isscalar(x): raise Exception("x should be a single value") if not np.isscalar(y): raise Exception("y should be a single value") if not np.isscalar(text): raise Exception("text should be a single value") if relative: l =, y, text, color=color, family=family, style=style, variant=variant, stretch=stretch, weight=weight, size=size, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, verticalalignment=verticalalignment,, **kwargs) else: l =, y, text, color=color, family=family, style=style, variant=variant, stretch=stretch, weight=weight, size=size, horizontalalignment=horizontalalignment, verticalalignment=verticalalignment,'world'), **kwargs) if layer: label_name = layer else: self._label_counter += 1 label_name = 'label_' + str(self._label_counter) self._layers[label_name] = l
[docs] def set_auto_refresh(self, refresh): """ Set whether the display should refresh after each method call. Parameters ---------- refresh : bool Whether to refresh the display every time a FITSFigure method is called. This defaults to `True` if and only if APLpy is being used from IPython and the Matplotlib backend is interactive. """ if refresh is None: if matplotlib.is_interactive(): try: get_ipython() except NameError: refresh = False else: refresh = True else: refresh = False elif not isinstance(refresh, bool): raise TypeError("refresh argument should be boolean or `None`") self._figure._auto_refresh = refresh
[docs] def refresh(self, force=True): """ Refresh the display. Parameters ---------- force : str, optional If set to False, refresh() will only have an effect if auto refresh is on. If set to True, the display will be refreshed whatever the auto refresh setting is set to. The default is True. """ if self._figure._auto_refresh or force: self._figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def save(self, filename, dpi=None, transparent=False, adjust_bbox=True, max_dpi=300, format=None): """ Save the current figure to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str or fileobj The name of the file to save the plot to. This can be for example a PS, EPS, PDF, PNG, JPEG, or SVG file. Note that it is also possible to pass file-like object. dpi : float, optional The output resolution, in dots per inch. If the output file is a vector graphics format (such as PS, EPS, PDF or SVG) only the image itself will be rasterized. If the output is a PS or EPS file and no dpi is specified, the dpi is automatically calculated to match the resolution of the image. If this value is larger than max_dpi, then dpi is set to max_dpi. transparent : str, optional Whether to preserve transparency adjust_bbox : str, optional Auto-adjust the bounding box for the output max_dpi : float, optional The maximum resolution to output images at. If no maximum is wanted, enter None or 0. format : str, optional By default, APLpy tries to guess the file format based on the file extension, but the format can also be specified explicitly. Should be one of 'eps', 'ps', 'pdf', 'svg', 'png'. """ if isinstance(filename, str) and format is None: format = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()[1:] if dpi is None and format in ['eps', 'ps', 'pdf']: width = * self._figure.get_figwidth() interval = nx = interval[1] - interval[0] if max_dpi: dpi = np.minimum(nx / width, max_dpi) else: dpi = nx / width"Auto-setting resolution to %g dpi" % dpi) if adjust_bbox: self._figure.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent, bbox_inches='tight', format=format) else: self._figure.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent, format=format)
def _initialize_view(self):, self._wcs.nx - 0.5), self._wcs.ny - 0.5) def _get_invert_default(self): return self._figure.apl_grayscale_invert_default def _get_colormap_default(self): return self._figure.apl_colorscale_cmap_default
[docs] @auto_refresh def set_theme(self, theme): """ Set the axes, ticks, grid, and image colors to a certain style (experimental). Parameters ---------- theme : str The theme to use. At the moment, this can be 'pretty' (for viewing on-screen) and 'publication' (which makes the ticks and grid black, and displays the image in inverted grayscale) """ if theme == 'pretty': self.frame.set_color('black') self.frame.set_linewidth(1.0) if[self.x].ticks.get_tick_out(): self.ticks.set_color('black') else: self.ticks.set_color('white') self._figure.apl_grayscale_invert_default = False self._figure.apl_colorscale_cmap_default = 'viridis' if self.image: self.image.set_cmap('viridis')) elif theme == 'publication': self.frame.set_color('black') self.frame.set_linewidth(1.0) self.ticks.set_color('black') self.ticks.set_length(7) self._figure.apl_grayscale_invert_default = True self._figure.apl_colorscale_cmap_default = 'gist_heat' if self.image: self.image.set_cmap('gist_yarg'))
[docs] def world2pixel(self, xw, yw, wcs=None): """ Convert world to pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- xw : float or iterable x world coordinate yw : float or iterable y world coordinate Returns ------- xp : float or iterable x pixel coordinate yp : float or iterable y pixel coordinate """ if wcs is None: wcs = self._wcs return wcs.wcs_world2pix(xw, yw, 0)
[docs] def pixel2world(self, xp, yp, wcs=None): """ Convert pixel to world coordinates. Parameters ---------- xp : float or iterable x pixel coordinate yp : float or iterable y pixel coordinate Returns ------- xw : float or iterable x world coordinate yw : float or iterable y world coordinate """ if wcs is None: wcs = self._wcs return wcs.wcs_pix2world(xp, yp, 0)
[docs] @auto_refresh def add_grid(self): """ Add a coordinate to the current figure. Once this method has been run, a grid attribute becomes available, and can be used to control the aspect of the grid:: >>> f = aplpy.FITSFigure(...) >>> ... >>> f.add_grid() >>> f.grid.set_color('white') >>> f.grid.set_alpha(0.5) >>> ... """ if hasattr(self, 'grid'): raise Exception("Grid already exists") try: self.grid = Grid(self) except Exception: del self.grid raise
[docs] @auto_refresh def remove_grid(self): """ Removes the grid from the current figure. """ self.grid.hide() del self.grid
[docs] @auto_refresh def add_beam(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a beam to the current figure. Once this method has been run, a beam attribute becomes available, and can be used to control the aspect of the beam:: >>> f = aplpy.FITSFigure(...) >>> ... >>> f.add_beam() >>> f.beam.set_color('white') >>> f.beam.set_hatch('+') >>> ... If more than one beam is added, the beam object becomes a list. In this case, to control the aspect of one of the beams, you will need to specify the beam index:: >>> ... >>> f.beam[2].set_hatch('/') >>> ... """ # Initalize the beam and set parameters b = Beam(self)*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self, 'beam'): if type(self.beam) is list: self.beam.append(b) else: self.beam = [self.beam, b] else: self.beam = b
[docs] @auto_refresh def remove_beam(self, beam_index=None): """ Removes the beam from the current figure. If more than one beam is present, the index of the beam should be specified using beam_index= """ if type(self.beam) is list: if beam_index is None: raise Exception("More than one beam present - use beam_index= to specify which one to remove") else: b = self.beam.pop(beam_index) b._remove() del b # If only one beam is present, remove containing list if len(self.beam) == 1: self.beam = self.beam[0] else: self.beam._remove() del self.beam
[docs] @auto_refresh def add_scalebar(self, length, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a scalebar to the current figure. Once this method has been run, a scalebar attribute becomes available, and can be used to control the aspect of the scalebar:: >>> f = aplpy.FITSFigure(...) >>> ... >>> f.add_scalebar(0.01) # length has to be specified >>> f.scalebar.set_label('100 AU') >>> ... Parameters ---------- length : float, or quantity The length of the scalebar in degrees, an angular quantity, or angular unit label : str, optional Label to place below the scalebar corner : int, optional Where to place the scalebar. Acceptable values are:, 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'top left', 'top right', 'bottom left' (default), 'bottom right' frame : str, optional Whether to display a frame behind the scalebar (default is False) kwargs Additional arguments are passed to the matplotlib Rectangle and Text classes. See the matplotlib documentation for more details. In cases where the same argument exists for the two objects, the argument is passed to both the Text and Rectangle instance. """ if hasattr(self, 'scalebar'): raise Exception("Scalebar already exists") try: self.scalebar = Scalebar(self), *args, **kwargs) except Exception: del self.scalebar raise
[docs] @auto_refresh def remove_scalebar(self): """ Removes the scalebar from the current figure. """ self.scalebar._remove() del self.scalebar
[docs] @auto_refresh def add_colorbar(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a colorbar to the current figure. Once this method has been run, a colorbar attribute becomes available, and can be used to control the aspect of the colorbar:: >>> f = aplpy.FITSFigure(...) >>> ... >>> f.add_colorbar() >>> f.colorbar.set_width(0.3) >>> f.colorbar.set_location('top') >>> ... """ if hasattr(self, 'colorbar'): raise Exception("Colorbar already exists") if self.image is None: raise Exception("No image is shown, so a colorbar cannot be displayed") try: self.colorbar = Colorbar(self)*args, **kwargs) except Exception: del self.colorbar raise
[docs] @auto_refresh def remove_colorbar(self): """ Removes the colorbar from the current figure. """ self.colorbar._remove() del self.colorbar
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the figure and free up the memory. """ plt.close(self._figure)
savefig = save